Category: Paul’s Blog

Strong Sun Moon Workshops

Thursday, June 23rd 1994 Tomorrow’s weather: cloudy with thunderstorms in the afternoon, rain all night. Oh, good grief! Tomorrow is the workshop and it’s going to rain. It rained last year at this workshop. I pick one night out of the whole year for a workshop and it’s going to rain. Oh well, I guess […]

Shamanism in the ’90s

Paul Sivert on his early path of shamanism… More and more often people ask me, “Are you a shaman?” or address me as a shaman. Sometimes I’m a little taken back by this event because, on one hand, I have spent a lot of time, energy, and money to learn and practice shamanism. However, I […]

Journey to the Plant People

On October 8th 2000, Paul Sivert completed the ceremonial initiation of the practice of the Pampamesayoqs taught by Jose Luis Herrera and Denise A Kinch. The Pampamesayoq is considered – in the Andean Medicine Traditions – to be the steward of the land who participates in a synchronous relationship with the earth cycles and understands […]

Legend of the Eagle and Condor

Paul Sivert processing the fulfillment of the legend… The Dream Change Coalition and the Omega Institute for Holistic Studies presented a weekend workshop to celebrate the fulfillment of the Legend of the Eagle and Condor. This legend anticipates the union of the materialistic “North” (Eagle) Mind and the spiritual “South” (Condor) Heart. The union forming […]

Remembering Peace

Paul Sivert’s prayer for those who sacrifice so much to defend the liberty we enjoy… May the Great Spirit send you the forces of nature to protect you and all you do for so many others. You shall be guided by the Infinite Divine in your thoughts and actions to champion freedom for all. Blessed […]

Shamanism and Mysticism

Paul Sivert dedicates this entry to my fellow retreatants at Omega, especially Jim, Teresa, and Beltina; may your faith in prayer carry you to the light you seek and deserve, and especially to our teacher, Ed Zogby. Insecurity and violence end when we experience an inner connection with divine energy within, a connection described by […]

Middle World Journey

Paul Sivert on Shamanic Journeying… In preparation for a workshop, I did a shamanic journey to receive pertinent information, either content or process. It is part of the preparation process that I was completing. The workshop was educational and experimental, focusing on Edgar Cayce – the psychic and medical telepathist – and comparing/contrasting his techniques […]

Journey Notes

Paul Sivert on Shamanic Journeying… The Shamanic journey is the most important prevalent technique of the Shaman. In fact, one of the definitions of Shaman is the ability to journey. Basically, a shamanic journey is a willful shift of consciousness to another dimension or world. The following is a description of a journey I took […]

Is Shamanism a Religion?

From the desk of Paul Sivert… We define the practice of Shamanism as a family of traditions whose practioners focus on voluntarily entering altered state of consciousness in which they experience themselves or their spirits traveling to other realms at will and interacting with other entitles in order to serve their community. This definition comes […]

Journey from the Black Hummingbird

From the desk of Paul Sivert… Panchos are hung over the windows to keep the light out. The ceremony to be conducted by Jose Luis Herrera must be done is total darkness. He is about to introduce to us students and shamanic practitioners the spirit of the sacred mountains in Peru, the Apus. There are […]

7 Niches – 7 Saywas

Paul Sivert on his Peruvian travels… My trip to the Sacred Valley of the Inkas ended about a month ago, but the memories and experiences are still vivid in my mind and heart. I still remember one of Jose Luis Herrera’s first questions to me and our group – “Where do you source from?” The […]